Monday 3 October 2011

Trying To Become One...

Well actually this is my first blog posts', and unfortunately I do not know what to write. I am not a writer nor pretending to become one. I am just a curious guy who wants to have a blog on the web as part of the trending ways to communicate with people. Well, probably I will try to make one story everyday or once every week or even once every month, that depends on the mood that I have.

Initial thinking regarding this blog thing? Is that its time consuming, like only boring people do this especially the older one's (maybe not all) and these journalists, these media people who wants to extend their ways of communicating to the people with their "own signature" of reporting. Somehow they do reach the people who reads their blog on the web, some, but not all. Well, I do praise this kind of people because they still manages to write plausible columns on their blog with limited time and with emotions. Emotions?? .. You might laugh but these people, are ought not to show their emotions on television when they deliver the news. And their blog is their way of showing to the readers, to the people that they are humans too, they have feelings, they just can not show this "literally" on television where the credibility of their reports, documentaries or whatsoever, lies. 

One example of this is Ms. Kara David of the GMA News, she has this documentary regarding children on the farthest area of Northern part of Luzon not receiving medical treatment or have not even seen a doctor and one child was very sick, very thin with big stomach and malnourished she even volunteered to bring the child to the nearest health center, where they can find on the nearest baranggay 3 mountains away. Fortunately, they passed through the baranggay captains' house where his daughter was a newly registered medical practitioner who was just also having a vacation. Her daughter checked the child and diagnosed the child with malnutrition and having possible worm infestations. She then, prescribed this expensive milk (PediaSure) and anti-helmintics for the worms. Ms. David even comes back to give the medicines and the milk to the child and the last thing she knows that the child was a bit okay. (Sorry, I cannot remember the title of the episode and hopefully my memory has feed me right on the way the documentary was showed) ... She was actually delivering the documentary with hidden emotions but you can see on her eyes that she was really affected. I even wept, that is why I cannot forget that documentary of hers. 

That once a story, a blog, or whatsoever was told it will always leave a mark on every readers point of view. Which will eventually ask themselves, WHY?, HOW???

Now the question for me is to BLOG or NOT TO BLOG??.. hmp!! .. I think I'll try to BLOG!..

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